Our next meeting on February 13th at 7PM will host
Self Help Nottingham who will share their activities and
support they offer. Everyone is welcome.
We support the Prostate Cancer UK annual March for Men. This year our Nottingham Prostate Cancer Support Group walk was held at Attenborough Nature Reserve on June 2nd 2024. Thank you to all who supported our Prostate Cancer UK March For Men JustGiving page.
We are an inclusive, welcoming, friendly and open group with well over 100 members which supports patients who are newly diagnosed, or are undergoing treatment and those whose treatment is complete. We also welcome patient’s family members and loved ones.
We are here to support those who have previously been treated or are now being treated for prostate cancer.
We have a number of people who are happy to discuss their experiences of prostate cancer with those who have been newly diagnosed.
Periodically we email a free newsletter to share dates of meetings and relevant information about prostate cancer.
We meet every other month online or at convenient locations in the city close to public transport and with parking. Our next meetings will be Thursday February 13 at 7PM at the University of Nottingham, Biodiscovery Institute, NG7 2RD (entrance 2). Please see the details below! Please contact us on npcsg2004@gmail.com for further details.
Our meetings are currently held at the University of Nottingham, close to the tram and buses and where there is ample free parking in the evening close to the location. Please scroll down for directions. We invite guest speakers and encourage discussion.
Come to our free meetings and join our email list by contacting us at npcsg2004@gmail.com.
Our next meeting will be at 7-9PM on Thursday February 13th at the Biodiscovery Institute (entrance 2), University Park, NG7 2RD. Our meetings are informal, friendly and refreshments will be served. Come have a chat and cuppa!
Admission is free and all are welcome, including family members, partners and carers.
Patient to Patient telephone support: To speak in confidence with someone with first-hand experience of prostate cancer please email us using this email address npcsg2004@gmail.com.
Have you just been diagnosed with prostate cancer and have some challenging decisions to make?
Are you close to someone affected by prostate cancer?
Do you wish to find out more about prostate cancer from someone who has already had it?
You are not alone. We are here to help.
Our aims are simple:
To provide mutual support to prostate cancer patients and their loved ones and those who are concerned about prostate cancer and its consequences.
To receive and share information about prostate cancer and its treatment.
To share personal experiences of prostate cancer.
To raise awareness of prostate cancer in our community.
To support research for better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat prostate cancer.
Our meetings are hosted in the University of Nottingham, Biodiscovery Institute. You can access the campus by car or tram. Parking is free in the evening. The meetings are held in the Biodiscovery Institute (building 43, circled above) with parking adjacent. You can enter the campus via the South Entrance from University Boulevard, or via Science Road from Clifton Boulevard.
Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every other month, beginning in February. We look forward to welcoming you and your family members to our informal, supportive gatherings.
Please email us at
Telephone: initial contact to Self Help Nottingham on 0115 911 1661. They will put you in touch with one of our steering group.
What3Words App for directions:
NG7 2RD, Nottingham, City Of Nottingham, England, United Kingdom